Great title on this last one. Our Lives Are Shaped By What We Love. True, true. From this album, I only knew Merry Clayton from Gimmie Shelter. I always liked how you you can hear Mick go "Wooo" in appreciation to her singing when you listen to it wearing headphones. Wooo indeed.
It's not all festivals and camping over here. I've been busy (in a good way) for a while now. Many projects on the go. Here's a good soundtrack for the working hours. Work to Do is my theme song at the moment. Nice job, Mr. Hawthorne.
Brad Howe is an illustrator specialising in watercolour and charcoal illustrations.
When not working on illustration projects, Brad enjoys spending time with his family, listening to music, skateboarding, drinking coffee and exploring Japan.
ブラッド ハウは、ウォーターカラーとチャコールのイラストを専門にするイラストレーターです。
プロジェクト以外では、ブラッドは家族との時間を楽しんでいます。Loves music、 coffee、スケートボード、自転車散策 そして現在日本を探検中。